February 2025
Principal Points
Christian greetings:)
Another Year has dawned upon us and we welcome it with jubilation, knowing that the God of 2024 and all the years before that and even before the beginning of time is the same God of 2025 and beyond. We love and worship You Lord God Almighty.
As we embark on another year of discipleship training with our platform church (Grace Community Church), we look forward to experiencing the wisdom of God’s Word through our Teacher, The Holy Spirit, In 2024, much learning was focused on Wisdom (Study of Proverbs) and Witnessing for Jesus Christ our Lord. The study of Galatians is empowering and continues this semester. Those students studying at the College in Pastoral Ministry, Hermeneutics & Preaching, Personal Development and Spiritual Formation, Theology, Apologetics and Directed Research as well as Chaplaincy, Discipleship and Counselling from a Biblical Perspective, are growing in grace to the glory of God. All have testified of the gems of God’s Word when ‘mined’ at this deep level of study. If ever anything brings a child of God down, it is the ignorance of God’s Word. We hold God’s Word (The Bible) as The Primary Source of teaching His Word. So welcome students and participants to the class of 2025. This is the year to be absolutely sure of your faith in Christ Jesus our Lord-God.
This July marks 47 years of the College’s ministry. Praise God for His faithfulness. As Principal, my calling since 2007 at the College has been focused on God’s agenda and has indeed brought great joy and fruit even though we have faced some challenging times. We continue to be joyous and fruitful through the enabling power of Christ. My calling is to serve in Jesus’ name with Jesus being my supreme example of servanthood. College and Church will continue to advance for the glory of God. It is blessed to know also that this March marks 12 years of the Church’s ministry (GCC). Praise God for this pioneer Church plant, now a ‘Tree of Righteousness’, born as a tender shoot of the ministry of the College. Praise God for His faithfulness.
Christ Jesus is the Head of the Church. All glory to Him. Colossians 1:15-18 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. And He is the head of the the body, the Church; He is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything He might have the supremacy.
And so with Christ Jesus’ authority we move forward being absolutely sure that He is with us all the way.
Please feel free to email me or our Business Manager, should you wish to study at the College. We are here to be as Christ to you…