Here to serve you.
We believe that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. In grace and humility, Jesus, the only Son of the Father, shared our humanity and became our example of service and sacrifice. Out of love for the world he suffered the consequences of our sin and died in order to overcome the power of the evil one; to release humanity from alienation from God and from being captive to self-centered sinfulness; and to restore a disordered creation
Everything taught here is highly biblical, and we aspire in being faithful to the raw and undiluted Word of God- practically and in study...
Building character is important for personal development and spiritual formation. Some of the most important preparation for ministry is through character development - you must have the character before you have the impact.
We aim to have you ready for all facets of ministry, in knowledge and in practice - bearing fruit to the glory of God.
The need for the Word.
The world is in desperate need of the Word of God - and people are thirsty for the Truth. Become equipped to deliver this Truth to the world...

Building Character
Spiritual formation. Practical growth.
At Equip College we challenge you to think outside the box while actively engaging you with our triune God, the relevancy of the Bible for today, the history of Christianity and the Church and we want to hear your story too... so that we at Equip may help develop you in your walk with Christ